12:37 AM | Posted in

3 to 4 lbs. chicken
10 chicken feet, scalded and skinned, nails removed
3 to 4 qts. water
1 tablespoon salt
2 stalks celery or 1/4 cup celery root, diced
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg
1 onion


Select an old hen (present company excluded). Ask butcher for extra chicken feet. Singe, clean and joint the chicken; then salt and let stand several hours or over night. Cover with boiling water and let come to a boil. Cover tightly, simmer slowly 3 or more hours, add the vegetables, boil 1 hour longer, strain, remove fat and add seasoning to taste. Take out the chicken before it falls to pieces and use for salads, croquettes or with brown sauce. Serve soup hot with noodles.


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